Posts Posts by: "Ken Fountain"

Every so often I decide to retire an iAnimate lecture or two, just to keep things fresh.  This article is a summary of one such topic that has become one of my favorites.  I’m sure I’ll keep the subject alive, just in a new way.   Find the Recipe. I’ve discovered something…(Read More)

This is the podcast I promised to follow-up last week’s blog post on “timing”. In this I discuss how muscle tension plays a role in my timing choices, and describe how I consider rhythms in physical comedy. Hope you enjoy! /ken   &nbsp…(Read More)

At any one moment your animation involves a plethora of principals piled atop one another like a family of furry possums holed up and huddled for warmth. Sorting through this mess of real-world mechanics and virtual-world technical issues to separate one principal from another seems nearly impossible. They all depend on each other…(Read More)

Hey! I just want to take a second to give a shout out to few places on the web that have been catching my eye this month – as an animator, that is.   The folks at Animator Island have been posting some fun stuff. What specifically caught my attention recently was the post called…(Read More)

Like many of the other schools out there, the iAnimate curriculum includes the weekly “Q&A” session, where student questions are meant to fuel a lively discussion on all things animation. While it is sometimes hard to coax a peep out of this notoriously shy and introspective bunch, there do tend to be certain…(Read More)

In this inaugural podcast, I’ll be fulfilling my promise to do a little “web extra” walkthrough of how I deal with IK/FK switching when animating hand contact with a rigid surface.  I sort of skipped over it in the “Breakdowns…” video, and I felt it may be something that some new animators don…(Read More)

Hey! Just a quick post to clue you all in to a new addition to the video library. My friend and former student, Tomasz Grenda, spent his holiday weekend creating a really nice render of the “Rats” animation I demo in the Attitudes & Acting Beats 3-part video tutorial series. It looks so great. I…(Read More)

Tight schedule, eh? Low budget, you say? Sure! No problem. Actually, maybe I’m just spoiled by the the long and detailed-oriented hours spent on a feature film shot, but I find the challenge of animating on a tight schedule kind of fun. It forces me to trim the fat from my performances; to…(Read More)

First, I’ll start with the “thank you”. The enthusiastic response to last week’s video releases was so great. Thank you so much for all of the notes, comments and cheerful correspondences. It’s always really scary putting something out there not knowing whether it is going to deliver on its intended purpose, so…(Read More)